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What do we do?

Dignify the living conditions of women in vulnerable communities that do not have WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) services to contribute to SDG 5 and SDG 6.


Expand coverage  of basic sanitation with solutions based on nature to avoid contamination of rivers and tributaries, as well as guaranteeing the right to a healthy environment.


Empower local women  training them as Guardians of Water in order to permeate community decisions and also promote circular economies articulated to WASH services.

Guardians of the Water

We understand the gender roles in relation to water of local women and we offer them the possibility of training and working as operators of sanitation systems, thus achieving greater economic independence.

Collaborative WASH

We co-design and implement processes that impact access to WASH services in addition to raising awareness regarding gender equality and community feminism.


We design and build:

  • Rainwater collection and treatment systems.

  • Ecological sanitation systems that allow treating wastewater by reusing nutrients,  

  • Rainwater drainage systems and reinforcement of eroded slopes.

Qué hacemos


PaziFlora was born in 2019 after a volunteering career of its founders in a vulnerable community in Pereira, Colombia. Cindy, the director, decides to use her scientific knowledge enriched by everyone's experience as volunteers to seek an improvement in the quality of life of the people of the settlement. All within a gender and empathy perspective.


Our purpose is to facilitate access to WASH services in vulnerable areas and therefore contribute to their dignity. We make peace with the water and the natural environment, returning the water in suitable conditions to extend its natural cycle in the ecosystems.

We promote gender justice through the employability of women who seek to emancipate themselves economically and an opportunity to learn and transform themselves and, in this way, open up possibilities for more changes and more spaces for intervention and participation in their communities.


Our team

Cindy Ospina

Civil engineer, founder and leader of Paz & Flora

Federico Pacheco

Zootechnician and Coordinator of execution of our projects 

Eva Loayza

Graphic designer and illustrator of the project


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